A picture paints a thousand words but often a picture needs some words to go with it.
The We-Capture app is so effective because it requires relevant referencing information about the images at the point images are taken. It’s best if the references are kept simple to make it quick and easy to use but more complicated, custom forms options are available for specific applications for the APP.
Sign on Glass
Need something signed for? Proof of delivery, acceptance of terms and conditions etc, a custom sign on glass form can be added to the We-Capture APP to get that vital sign off.
Automatic Emails
Communicating important information about an image or set of images to the right people, whether external or internal customers can greatly enhance efficiency and reduce losses. The We-Capture system can be enabled with simple, automatic emails or sophisticated customised, brand consistent, marketing quality emails.
Simple Forms
A custom form, replacing a paper form, for the team or clients to quickly fill out can greatly enhance efficiency and speed information being in the right place. A simple form can be added to the app that asks questions about, for instance, health and safety, understanding of terms and conditions, vehicle condition, shipment condition, the options are endless.
Contact us to discuss options for your business.
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